"step back in time..."

Antique Hand Hewn Log Cabin Rentals


Mentone Wedding Chapel

Atop Lookout Mountain near Mentone, Alabama P.O. Box 267, Mentone, AL 35984
Phone: 256-634-4181
E-mail: linda@mentoneweddingchapel.com

Many couples who choose the Mentone Wedding Chapel for their wedding do so because we offer personal, caring service before, during and after the ceremony. The convenience we offer in arranging for services such as photography, videography, receptions, flowers, limousine arrival, and the honeymoon is another reason couples prefer the Mentone Wedding Chapel. We also welcome second marriages and the renewal of vows. Under Alabama law, there is no waiting period for a marriage. Licenses may be obtained at any courthouse within the state and are valid for 30 days from the date of issue. The cost is $45.00. Courthouses are generally open Mondays through Fridays from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. central time.

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